
landscaping queen

i spent a good bit of monday and tuesday getting some new plants for our front landscaping. it has been bare for awhile and i decided it was time to add some green (and hopefully soon, some purple, too). i headed out to home depot and found some plants to my liking and then brought them back and went to work. if our yard was not composed of fill dirt (i.e. red clay), i am sure the digging would have gone a bit more quickly. but alas, i got a great workout digging my holes (and found some "gifts" leftover from the construction crew- a diet sunkist can, a paint roller- the handle part, extra concrete, and a burger king ketchup packet). anyway, i digress.

i bought some hostas, english lavender, and a few dwarf yaupon holly bushes to finish out the front. i would like to add some bulbs this fall, and hopefully by then i will have forgotton how hard it is to dig in that dirt and will be ready for the occasion! here's a view of what i have added:

hostas for the border (then we can eventually remove the rocks)

english lavender (it already smells fantastic)

holly bush

added to the boxwoods we left from moving in, it should fill in quite nicely

a full view, including the new flag pole :)


anita said...

Looking good!

Unknown said...

I love your doggies in the last picture! x

Jean Ma said...

I may say you're a well rounded person - you're a wife, a health care provider, an animal lover, a knitter, a reader, sociable and a gardener!

But somehow, you call yourself a 'deprive woman'; I hope you still find time for yourself, alone, thinking, contemplating.

Good work for your lawn, congratulations, it's lovely!



Becca said...

I LOVE the flag pole! Looks very nice. The girls look like they're having fun in their front yard in front of their new landscaping. Nice work, Stace! :) It's looking good!